Candidate Assessment Test

Helps us recruit fair to find talent without bias

Assessments and tests assure candidate quality

At TNG, we recruit without bias. How? We use occupational psychological screening tests as part of our selection and assessment process. Of course, the candidate assessment test is objectively evaluating without relying on ”gut feeling,”. The objective tool is helping us find candidates with the greatest potential that will do the best work for your company. As well as giving all applicants the same chance to showcase their skills and potential when they apply for jobs through us. This objective method leads to diversity increasing and causes fewer mistaken hires. 

Throughout the recruitment process, the focus usually lies on assessing the various candidate’s merits. And then the recruiter will make note of, and compare work experience and education. Without objective recruitment tools, there are many opportunities for unconscious bias to sneak into the evaluation. Especially, the candidate’s resume since it’s evaluated based on gut-feeling and how relatable it is to the recruiter’s own experiences and background. But a candidate is so much more than that. With that said, we all have our own prejudices and preconceived notions. It ranges from age, background, and gender and it will be reflected during the recruit if we don’t use objective assessment tools.

Effective assessment tools

Unbiased recruitment is about assessing the candidate’s overall competence. And it should be based on knowledge, motivation, personality, and talent. There are now selection methods and assessment solutions available that are better than the traditional ones. For anyone who wants to make an objective choice and be able to focus on the applicants’ future potential. For example, occupational psychological screening tests are an effective tool in the selection. It is focused on both identifying and establishing the candidates’ talent and personality. The candidate assessment test allows you to select the right candidates to bring in for an interview.

And of course, we also have the candidate experience in mind, to make sure that your future employee is well taken care of.

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Recruitment tests – what benefit does this give you as a customer?

  1. Accurate, effective and qualitative selection. So that the most qualified candidates will be included in the recruitment
  2. When we measure the potential of each applicant, we bring forth the candidates who possess the qualities you need to reach your desired results
  3. We make an objective selection of the candidates, providing natural diversity. Which in turn contributes to the improved performance of our customers’ businesses, making them more profitable and innovative
Personlighetstester och begåvningstester hjälper oss på TNG att göra fördomsfria urval

Screening tests for all candidates

At TNG we welcome all applicants and we always focus on the right skills. By having all our applicants, regardless of whether they are staffing or recruiting candidates, carry out relevant selected screening tests for the position. This ensures that everyone is assessed on the basis of competence. And this includes both personality tests and different types of talent and skill tests.

Once the applicants have finished the tests, only then do we read their resumes. In this way, we can ensure that the recruiter won’t go on gut feeling. But instead elevates the right candidates as the recruitment process continues.

Our supplier cut-e (one of the world’s leading companies in innovative online testing) has designed a great number of screening tests that our experienced recruiters combine to suit the position in question and find the competency necessary.

We conduct the tests before we read the resume

Testing candidates is not new but doing it early in the process is a relatively new approach. This means that all candidates get the same chance. In our process, it also means that we read the candidate’s resume after he or she has completed the screening tests. We also avoid asking about age or for a picture or personal letter. And we hide the candidate’s name in the early selection stage to once again avoid subjectivity in the process.

In conclusion, we always choose the candidate with the best possibility of succeeding at the job. In traditional recruitment, the focus has been on the resume where education and experience have been the most important thing. But we want to see the complete picture and therefore focus on the individual’s competence and potential.