TNG staffing and recruiting

Our unbiased staffing and temp solutions

Hire talent and consultants you need today – fast, fair and unbiased.

At TNG, we take staffing as seriously as recruitment. Our goal is to find consultants that you want to keep and hire, ones that contribute to your business. Every time. To ensure success, we recruit without bias and by thinking long-term. And on top of that, we have unique and cost-effective consulting solutions to suit your company’s needs.

There are many reasons why you would hire personnel through a staffing service. For example, the situation can involve parental leave, excess work, sick leave or a reorganization within the company. Regardless of the reason, you should be able to find a serious staffing company that operates under collective agreements, and where the manager works closely with you, the customer, and with the consultants who work for you. In addition, a hiring process should also be carried out quickly and cost-effectively. And that’s exactly what you get from TNG, plus a little bit more.

Staffing where you need it

Do you want the help of an unbiased staffing agency to strengthen your team temporarily, or hire consultants for a longer period of time? We have offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Örebro, and staff in over 40 locations throughout Sweden. Please contact us and we will tell you more about how TNG can help you.

Get in Touch!

If you choose TNG for temporary hiring and staffing you will get

  • Consultants who enjoy their work. Our employee surveys show high scores on well-being and our customers give us high NPS results.
  • Consultants who are matched on the basis of your company’s unique skill requirements, so they quickly settle into the workplace and grow with the job.
  • Consultants that have been educated in our unbiased and objective selection process, so they can identify the right skills but also new talents who have future potential.
  • The security that comes from a high level of knowledge and the right method and tools for compliance.
  • High capacity and speed. A large number of applications, integrated screening tests and a staffing company that is not geographically bound.
  • Extra quality assurance through occupational psychological tests, competency-based interviews and background checks.
  • Our unbiased and objective process, contributing to diversity and your company’s work with sustainability, and that also follows applicable compliance rules.
  • Continuous and systematic follow-up during ongoing assignments by responsive and dedicated managers.

Our staffing consultants are keepers

The difference with TNG is that we find people who have that little extra something – and whose skills have been matched (without bias) to your assignment. This means that our consultants quickly get going and familiarize themselves with the work. We work together. So you can focus on the job that is to be done, and we handle all the administration. Staffing as it should be! You will notice the difference.

"79% of our consultants are later employed by our customers. Something completely in line with our vision of a sustainable labor market."

Our staffing services

Staffing, full-time or part-time

The consultant works with you either full or part-time and we share employer responsibility. This solution is suited when you quickly need to boost your team and hire staff for a shorter or longer period, regardless of the industry. We conduct a competency analysis together to determine what the employee needs to be able to do, and then we start working.

In some cases, we already have identified consultants that match your requirements and who are ready to go to work. But we always advertise your staffing assignment in our list of available jobs, so that all applicants can have a chance to meet your company. The applicants will then go through our unbiased staffing process. As well as, the tailor-made package of occupational psychological tests we specifically put together for you in order to find the most suitable consultant.

TNG Pool

For those who have recurring surge periods, regardless of the day or time of day, we offer our Pool solution. In other words, TNG recruits, schedules and is entirely responsible for your staffing. This also includes a ”pool” of dedicated consultants who are available when needed. And we also offer a contingency solution that ensures secure staffing and hiring of personnel at short notice.

Staffing with TNG Pool:

– Customer service
– Event/demo
– In-house salesperson
– IT support/help desk

Authorized staffing company

auktoriserat-bemanningsforetagWe are a recruitment and staffing company authorized by Competence Agencies of Sweden, so you can feel secure when hiring consultants through us. Competence Agencies of Sweden is part of Almega, a grouping of seven service sector employer/trade federations, as well as a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Svenskt Näringsliv. We also have collective bargain agreements.

In addition, we continuously invest in education on discrimination legislation and competency-based recruitment for all our employees involved in the selection process. In this way, we minimize the risk that candidates are rejected for the wrong reason – a responsibility that we share according to the law.